Wednesday, May 20, 2020

So... no longer lost!!

So much has happened since my last 2015 post. But long story short- we got married in 2017, bought a house and have moved to Oregon. Such a beautiful change from the oven known as Arizona. I am no longer working, spending my days wandering the garden with my dog. It’s so lovely...despite the current plague.

I do believe this is a very good spot to end this blog story. You did good Lost Mom Jan. Stay happy.

Friday, April 03, 2015

Catching Up.... Holy crap!

since I last posted...
My son met and married a wonderful girl.
My daughter married her firefighter/lumberjack/lifeguard all around awesome guy.
My brother had a heart attack and miraculously survived after being clinically dead for 10 minutes.
He then treated my sister and I to an all expense paid weekend in New York.
My dad had a heart attack and survived. (And is doing great)
My mom had a small breast tumor removed successfully,
I have a torn meniscus that most likely will require surgery.
My son found out he has a 5 year old daughter!
(I found out I'm a grandma.)
And tomorrow the Stardude and I are moving to a new house.


What's new with you?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

So this is what happy is about...

After 8 years, we've made the leap. Moving in together.

This is good.

This is very good.

Friday, August 16, 2013

So I've been in this coma...

Not really.  But it has been almost a year since I've posted. What the heck. Could it be I just don't have enough angst in my life right now?

Work balance ... Good.
Son's life...Good.
Daughter's life...Good
Love life...Really Good.

I'm risking jinxing it...but I'm posting it anyway.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Endings...beginnings...and the middle

2:45 am. Awake. Organizing my day tomorrow, planning the best way to organize all the important info to pass along to my successor, how to make the transition as smooth as possible.  Thinking of questions for my upcoming job. Big stuff...Job description, company goals, department roles...small stuff, coffee supplies, vacation request slips. Lots of changes coming. And a bit of stress, I'm sure.  But I can count on one thing...the Stardude. Weekends on the deck with coffee, football, laughing, being happy.

Being very happy.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAYYYY!

It's been a crazy week. The Stardude was away for the weekend visiting his family, so my plans were to relax, catch up on house stuff, reading, painting, and make some progress on my Christmas shopping. And then...Tuesday a girlfriend that I haven't seen in 3 years came in town for work and gave me a call. 2 dinners and 2 happy hours - we are officially caught up. It was great to see her. And I did get some Christmas shopping done, I did some painting, I read a bit - got my Thanksgiving dinner shopping done, even went into work today for a few hours.

Now - ready to relax. Ready to see the Stardude.

Oh... and meet Cooper! An awesome dog I adopted from the local Arizona Cactus Corgi Rescue. He's been amazing. Sweet, laid back and adorable.

now - time for a hike on South Mountain before dark!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Moving Forward...

is difficult. Especially when every few moments I catch my mind wandering, missing him. I can't concentrate worth crap. I have to watch myself around my co-workers. I know the sympathy can only stretch so far before everyone starts rolling their eyes and thinking "There she goes talking about that dog again."

But I know I will be ok - eventually. I no longer wake up in the middle of the night and suddenly, surprisingly remember he's gone. And I did make it through my evening walk without tears. I'm sure the Indian couple were relieved, after a week's worth of odd encounters, me crying, they staring as we pass each other walking the block.

And I'm prepping my application for adoption of a corgi rescue - part of me feeling guilty, too soon? But I know it may take a while to find that right match. I'll never find another "Mojo" and I'm not trying to replace him. I know I just need a dog in my life.

Damn it, he was such a great dog.